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ROV P/T in BSA Offshore have experience from all types of projects both from vessels and rigs. We can offer highly qualified ROV P/T with experience from all actual types of ROV systems. Some of the ROV crew personnel have experience from ROT.
For ROT operation several of our employees have operator experience from subsea tooling operations (ROT), both in Norwegian sector and in more exotic areas. Some also have longer Supervisor experience from various ROT systems / Tie-in systems.
All BSA Offshore riggers have long and good experience from various type of projects/ construction work. All of them have all necessary certifications and some are even certified for G20 crane.
Deck Foremen
BSA Offshore AS can offer qualified Deck Foremen. Our employees are well experienced and high skilled within their special field. Some of our deck foremen are crane certified for up to G5 crane (offshore crane), and are also certified as crane sensor.
BSA Offshore AS is therefore in the position to offer certifying of crane operators (run-up) for all type of cranes –until G5, as one of our services.
ROV Supervisors
All ROV Supervisors in BSA Offshore have a long and varied experience as a P/T, as a basis before acting as a Supervisor in our company. Our Supervisor-pool is filled with well experienced employees.
Shift Supervisors/Bridge Engineers
BSA’s Shift Supervisors have long experience from various vessels, and various Clients. Normally our shift supervisors have their background from ROV.
Some of the Client Representatives from BSA Offshore have more than 20 years of experience in the subsea sector and also from renewable market. Our Client Reps have worked for all the largest oil companies in a great specter of projects.
BSA Offshore can offer experienced Inspection Engineers with both CSWIP 3.3U and CSWIP 3.4U qualifications.
BSA Offshore have several employees with Tie-in tool experience, both Supervisors and Operators as mentioned under ROV & ROT Crew.
BSA Offshore have access to qualified Project Managers (PM) with experience from different type and dimension of subsea projects and projects in renewable sector. All PM`s are well educated and experienced.
In co-operation with KTN AS, BSA Offshore AS can offer: